It’s a Monday after I took a Friday off so of course I am super busy and everybody needs something from me all at once. Please just let me breath LOL.
Also the internet keeps going down. I’m writing this post while it’s down… hoping it comes back up soon so I can plug my photos in.
I’ve got no sewing stuff to show this week. After finishing the jacket for the play (which fit! Yay!) I decided to take the rest of the week off sewing and just be lazy – especially since I knew I was going to be picking up more fabric over the weekend and once that happened, time off would be slim. So I just cleaned up my sewing room, kinda reorganized the closet a bit, and played the sims.
(Also I just looked back at my last post to see where I’d left off with my Sims family story, and apparently I had a messed up image that cut off the end of last post. So that’s fixed now.)
My Star Wars family is over. Last post I talked about wanting to buy Tiny Living just for the murderous murphy bed. And…. I did. I bought and boy was it truly a murderous murphy bed. Connix, Kylo Ren, Rose, and Poe were all killed by the murphy bed. A few others got smushed as well but survived. Here’s the tally, in order of deaths:
Hux: embarrassment
Connix: Murphy bed
Rose: Murphy Bed
Kylo Ren: Murphy bed
Snap Wexley: died of exhaustion (became a senior and worked out too mouch)
Finn: died of exhaustion (became a senior and worked out too much)
Poe: Murphy bed
Rey: Survived! She was the winner. Though then she set off some fireworks in the house and the end.
So I did follow through with my idea from the last post and the next family is 8 small faced vampires. Basically I made their heads as big as the game would let me then all their facial features are as small and squished in as possible.

This dude is my fav. They’re all just randomized sims.
Basically I wanted to see how 8 vampires with no humans could survive without much intervention. Unfortunately I’ve had to intervene a lot – I had to buy them a ton of plasma packs because I didn’t want them all dying right off the bat, and then I’ve taken them into town so they can find people to feed on twice. And once I took them to the house next door, which I was surprised to find had been auto-populated by an old Kylo Ren / Rey / Finn / Poe / BB8 (the dog) family I made years ago.
One of the idiots went out to swim in broad daylight, then came in once they started burning… then grabbed a book and went back out and sat at the edge of the pool to read. I made her go back inside once she got down to the bottom of her vampire energy bar… and she went back outside and lit a bonfire to dance. She ended up burning to death in the sunlight. I tried to save her!
So 7 vampires remain. They’re almost out of plasma boxes and almost out of money. I’ve sold everything in the house I can sell to keep them afloat, so I have a feeling they’re going to start dropping like flies pretty soon. Then… I dunno. I might do a Friends family next. Or… the Brady Bunch, that would be fun.
Anyway, like I said at the top, I had Friday off, because Chase and I got up at 4:30 AM (YIKES) to drive to Atlanta for the day!
We left too early to be able to stop and get breakfast anywhere (we were on the road by 5AM), so once we got to Tupelo we started looking for places to stop and eat. Found a nearby Chick-fil-a on the map and I routed us to it… only to discover it was INSIDE A HOSPITAL. I mean that’s great for people at the hospital, but that shouldn’t even come up on a road map diversion. We were so confused, and then, annoyed. We ended up with McDonald’s.
Anyway, got on into Atlanta and it was time for fabric shopping!

I had a 3 page shopping list. I only found 4 things we were looking for, but those 4 things were all very good things.

For my final senate appearance Padme – the fabric on the left is the collar/sleeves/overskirt fabric (I think I’ll start calling that piece the surcoat). It looks a little dark in this photo but it’s a nice mid-tone purple with a slight texture that I liked for that section. The fabric on the right is the base for the underskirt – it’ll have the “embroidered’ fabric over it, which I’m going to do on a spoonflower chiffon. Hopefully. I don’t want to actually embroider it.
I was hoping to also find my velvet, but all the velvets I saw at Fine or Gail K were a more violet-toned purple, and I’m leaning more towards a cool-toned purple scheme. That’s the tricky thing about this costume… it looks SO different between onscreen, promo, and exhibit. It can look super dark or super bright, cool or warm, depending on lighting and flash. I’m personally trying to find a middle ground for everything, otherwise just trying to go with my own preference – in this case, leaning towards cool toned purples. But I do have a several purple velvet options bookmarked so time to start getting swatches I guess.
Speaking of costumes that look totally different in different scenarios…

I can’t remember if I said it on here yet but CHASE IS DOING A BAIL COSTUME TO MATCH MY PADME COSTUME!!!!! AHHH I’m so excited!! And he’s excited for it too!
SO yeah this Bail costume looks totally different in onscreen and promo photos than it does in the swatch book or the exhibit photos. Chase wanted to go with the way it looked here:

So that’s what we matched our fabrics to. (Apologies to whoever took that exhibit photo. I saved it without marking where I got it from! If it’s you let me know.)
So yeah that velvet is photographing much brighter than it looks which is concerning me. But I’m really happy with the jacket/pants fabric. The pants are actually darker than the jacket, so I’ll be dyeing part of this fabric for that – but we wanted them to be the same fabric/texture.
So that’s everything for Bail except stuff like lining fabric and notions, so that’s great. I’m excited!
We also ran to Gail K to see if we could find any gold netting/lace that would work for the Blue Glitter Leia snoods. No luck at either place. So frustrated! I guess I have to keep working on these embroidery floss ones.
Big thanks to Jess & Bill who let us use their foyer as a photo studio Friday night and let us crash there. We had a fun little photo session:

And then up bright and early Saturday morning to go to Nashville.
(Weekend turned out much colder than I expected. I almost grabbed a jacket on my way out but decided “nah” because last time I looked, low was going to be upper 30s and a hoodie would be enough. But it ended up being down in the 20s and I was cold loading and unloading the car! LOL)
In Nashville we had a cute little studio:

Another fun photo session, including me getting into my new Raddus Bridge Leia and getting some shots with Joe and Danielle in their Luke and Connix costumes! I’ve been wanting pics with them for ages!
Once we were done with photo session #2, we loaded up and hit the road home. We were tired after traveling for 2 days straight and wanted to go to sleep in our own bed. Got home a bit before 9.
Sunday ended up being a lazy day.

I’d wanted to start playing with the fabric I bought but instead I did… nothing. It was rainy and cold and I just wanted to nest down in a giant comforter and do nothing.

Well, we went to Target in the morning for the week’s necessities and I found these hitchhiking ghost figures on clearance for $3 a piece.
And then we went and had dinner with my parents.
So now back to the grind, until April at least. I’ve got to start helping the moms with their costumes for the April con.
And working on disneybounds!

OH! Thursday my granddad fell at work and banged up his head pretty bad. Got sent to the ER in an ambulance. Thankfully he is ok and all scans looked fine and he was sent home same day. My cousin went up to visit and sent me this pic back. I’m hoping we can go up and spend some time with them soon. I haven’t seen them since Christmas š
Anyway, that’s it for this week. Be back again next week, same bat channel or whatever.